Let's see what stories your student authors come up with using these creative activities, exploring the amazing world them.
There are
of beautiful places the explore in SoCal. Get out and take a walk, go on a hike, or explore a hidden trail in your neighborhood. Let's tell stories about what we see and how we see it.
Did you see a little lizard, up-side-down on a branch? Let's create a story for that little lizard in this big world.
The beach is always an
adventure! There are not only interesting people, but tons of amazing creatures and adventures!
The ocean is a feat for the imagination. Create your very own story about the sea and SEE where it takes you!
On your adventures this week, collect some smooth stones. Then, when you and your students are feeling artsy, grab some paint and have some fun! Think of the Story Stones as storytelling tools. Fill them with any
you can think of and let the story telling begin!